Friday, December 5, 2008

Passion: A True Rock ! Steady and Strong

While saving a friends life Eric took six bullets in the back ending a promising professional football career.

Eric stands by what he has always preached that "It is not what your going through, it is how you go through it"

It is rare that you find a man that no matter what his circumstance, he continues to pursue his passion.

We have learned through Eric's experience and his mentor ship that a mans passion never changes, but what does change is the direction in which he pursues and lives within his passion. With Eric's age it is promising that he will never play professional football again, although we are sure that he will continue to Mentor and Coach within his passion.

We are blessed to know Eric but more importantly thank you Eric for your guidance as we pursue and live within our passion.

Eric Arrington's Passion has been Identified

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Passion: Britney Spears Says Dancing Is Her Therapy

Many of you remember a few months ago when we took the task on to identify Britney Spears Passion. We did and we came up with Music. We were wrong! and we apologize for our mistake. After watching Britney's documentary millions of people including us heard Britney say this

Britney Spears Says Dancing Is Her Therapy!

She said: `If I have a lot of nervous energy, when I start dancing it goes away and I just feel emotion. It`s like a roller coaster.

I'm sure that many of you would agree that once you are in your passion all Fears, Nerves, Doubt, the world in general no longer exist, at that moment it is just you doing what you love and it feels RIGHT.

Britney Spears Passion has been Identified CORRECTLY

Monday, December 1, 2008

Passion: Adam Bender "The story of a young boy"

Adam Bender was born with a tumor in his left thigh with the only option to amputate his left leg. Adams mother decided that she could live with her child with one leg but could not live without her child. At the Age of three he began playing soccer, he was the leading scorer. Soon after Soccer, he started playing Baseball, he then moved to Flag Football and started at Quarterback.

Adam is a remarkable boy! A boy that keeps moving forward and never gave in to the obstacles that life threw and continue to throw at him. Even with one leg he never let that be the excuse of why he did not do what he expects himself to do.

Never underestimate the power of true Passion, once you have it you will soon discover the world is your playground.

Click here for Video

Adam Bender's Passion has been identified