Thursday, July 16, 2009

Your Passion Identifies You

Tonight we turned to ABC and watched the last 30 minutes of the special on J.k Rowling. Although we knew her story really well and identified her passion in a post earlier this year, it was a very inspiring show and a look into her life.

A question she got from the person interviewing her was, "how do you want to be remembered" and she said " As a person who did the best she could with the talent given to her." That got us thinking inside the box! We all have a talent that identifies us. Some of us identify that talent early in life and others when we are going through trouble times, but one way or another we all identify that talent some point in our lives and that is the point when you find yourself.

So when you find your talent/passion do the best you can with the passion the Trigeia Universe gave you. :)

Think Inside the Box,
Trigeia Twins

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