Friday, August 7, 2009

Trigeia's Top 5 at 5 - August 7

How to Prevent Carpel Tunnel Syndrome -

A Browser's View of Your Computer -
Murder Plot Gone Wrong Captured in YouTube Video -
PDD NOS 1.5 years later - allows you to identify your passion and engage in the current news, updates and information thats important to you.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Trigeia's Top 5 at 5 - Aug 6

Aerosmith's Steven Tyler falls from stage in SD -
How to Prevent Carpel Tunnel Syndrome -
Twitter down after 'malicious' cyber-attack - Yahoo! tech
Speed in the Feed: Google Reader and PubSubHubbub -
Notes from #gtaco - Google Teacher Academy: Boulder, Colorado - organizes all of the news, information and updates from around the web, organizes it into passions and delivers it to our users. Join us and find out how easy it is to engage in your passion.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Top 5 Viewed News on - Aug 5th 2009 organizes all of the news, information and updates from around the web, organizes it into passions and delivers it to our users. Join us and find out how easy it is to engage in your passion.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Don't Get Stuck Living Someone Else's Passion

Do not take your time away from your passion to work on projects with people you don't work well with. Keep it simple stupid! If you don't work well with someone, why continue? Business is just like a relationship, if you don't work well with your girlfriend or boyfriend you are not going to marry them. So why would you continue to open up a business or work with them on a project. It's time to tell those people that you are not going to participate. If they take it personal then that is their problem.

At the end of the day our reputation is all we have. That is what defines us. Think about any NFL Quarterback, they can be the best athlete on the field, but if they don't have a receiver that they work well with, they will always be known as the Quarterback that never won. Take Joe Montana and Jerry Rice these two compliment each other very well and because of that they won Championships. Success is defined by your lack of failures. Choose wisely who you spend your time with.